When writing code, you generally want to split up the logic in to different classes. You have your controller classes which take a request, and return a response. You write value objects to represent information which is important to your application. You may write commands, command handlers, repositories and more. The most important group of classes you write are probably your services, which hold (most) of the logic of your app.
Nov 13, 2021
Recently we’ve been looking into differential serving. With our set up there were a few complications, so in this post i’ll share how we overcame those, and how to set up differential serving with webpack encore.
Jun 19, 2021
If you are familiar with Typescript, you may know their any type. With any you can do anything. It signals that you don’t know about the actual type, and that anything goes. The following code is completely valid in Typescript.
May 21, 2021
Use CSS modules classes as selectors for your tests, and have better snapshots.
Apr 24, 2021
Last week i gave 10 phpunit tips. This week we’ll take a look at testing exceptions, which wasn’t covered in that post. Lets start with some example code that we will be testing. We have the Email and EmailValidator classes. Email is a value object that makes sure it is a valid email. We use the EmailValidator to make sure that the emails are only from our company.
Apr 9, 2021
PHPUnit is the defacto testing framework for PHP. In this post i want to share with you my top 10 tips for PHPUnit. I’m using PHPUnit 9.5, but most of these apply to older versions as well. So, lets get this party started.
Apr 2, 2021
Recently we ran into a problem with doctrine migrations. The schema was manually edited, and wrong migrations were committed to the repository. For a dev (and even staging) env you could just drop the database, fix the migrations, and run them again. But we didn’t want to lose our production data. So how do we fix this?
Mar 25, 2021
I’m a fan of twig, and wouldn’t consider moving back to plain php. But, it does come with a few problems. In this post we’ll explore one of the problems i have with twig, and how to work around it.
Mar 18, 2021
Don’t worry, this isn’t a ‘what type of sandwich are you?’ kinda post. Instead we’ll look at how we can safely add types to our legacy code. Adding types There are really two ways of adding types. You either declare what you want your types to be, or you declare what the types can be. When writing new code we should always be precise in our types, so we declare what we want. We can say that a property is a string, or that a method only takes a User class as a parameter.
Mar 11, 2021
Does your project use PHPStan? Then you really should be using the bleeding edge config, regardless of what level you are running. It will make transition to the newer version much easier.
Mar 4, 2021